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Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile

The headquarters of Future-Knit Composite Ltd. functions much like the central nervous system of a human body. It constantly engages in strategic thinking, planning, and policy formulation to ensure the seamless operation of all its divisions. Future-Knit Composite Ltd. boasts a team of highly educated professionals who are always immersed in innovative business concepts.

At Future-Knit Composite Ltd., executives from any subsidiary are warmly welcomed at the corporate office, provided they can demonstrate their qualifications as high-level corporate leaders.

The company is structured into various departments, including:

  • Human Resources & Administration
  • Internal Auditing
  • Merchandising
  • Production Planning & Control
  • Consumption Management
  • Finance & Accounting
  • Commercial Operations
  • Procurement
  • Purchasing
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • Management Team
  • Central Quality Assurance & Auditing
  • Fashion Design
  • Transportation Management
  • Washing Operations

Each of these departments plays a crucial role in contributing to the overall success and efficiency of Future-Knit Composite Ltd.